Memory Of Pets
Join in reading and laughing about the attitudes of Tiger, Scrappy, Sammy, Champ, and Bow Wow – five dogs that thought they were a soccer player, bodyguard, slippery eel, head hunter, and army general. Their antics will live on in our hearts.

Yvonne Bronstorph is a wife, mother, and grandmother.

As we walk through life, we experience many emotions. These poems are a reflection of my feelings of love, grief, the beauty of God’s creation and the many emotions one experiences in life’s journey.

the power of prayer & devotion
A collection of devotionals to encourage us when we face the many challenges of life. We need to look to God who loves us unconditionally, Jesus our Savior, Redeemer, and Deliverer and call on the power of the Holy Spirit.
Memory of Pets: Creative Ways to Honor Our Furry Friends
A man in a red shirt hugging his dog | Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash We remember the memory of pets in many differen...
Honoring the Memory of Pets Peacefully: 5 Ways to Cope
Photo of dog sleeping, depicting memory of pets |Photo by Christian Domingues It feels so relieving to know that furb...
Do Furbabies Go to Heaven? Honoring the Memory of Pets
Cat and dog cuddling, depicting furbabies go to heaven | Photo by Snapwire Yes, fur heaven is fur real! Losing a pet ...
Preserving Cherished Pet Memories: In Loving Memory of Pets
Photo by Eric Jo Preserving cherished pet memories can be a heartwarming and, at the same time, a heart-tugging move....
Life Lessons From Dogs: Traits Humans Should Learn
A man sitting down with a dog licking him in the face | Photo by Chewy from Unsplash The familiar line, “Dogs a...
Dog Attitudes and Aging: How Moods Shift Over Time
Photo by RDNE Stock project Understanding dog attitudes throughout the different stages of life is crucial for ensuri...
Ways to Keep Your Furry Friend Always Happy and Healthy
Photo by: Chevanon Photography They are adorable; they are affectionate; they are beautiful – they can be big and b...
Spaying and Neutering: Its Impact on Dogs’ Behavior
Spaying and neutering dogs have many known benefits. From reducing the risk of unwanted pregnancies to transmitting a...
Dog Personality Types and Breeds: A Guide for Fur Parents
Photo by: Rebecca Campbell Knowing the different dog personality types can help dog lovers planning to adopt or buy a...
Recounting the Joys of Big Fluffy Dogs in Your Life
Photo by Marcus Löfvenberg on Unsplash There’s nothing better than love and joy packed in a hundred-pound, four-le...
Best Children’s Book About Dogs You Will Have Fun Reading
Photo by Vitaliy Zalishchyker Reading some of the best children’s books about dogs is a great way to spend your...
Gearing for a Run: Dog Breeds to Help You Exercise
Photo by Chevanon Photography Dog Breeds to Help You Exercise The bond between dogs and people is a timeless one, fil...